- contact@nshelter.org
- 24/7
One-on-one relationships with the child is at the heart of our work. We provide direct assistance and connect them to community resources so they can overcome barriers to success inside and outside of the classroom. We help each the child discover their own ability to succeed, whether that’s completing homework, learning new life skills or successfully school year.
Our staff is trusted advocates and a valuable support system to students. We help the child to create a future they envision for themselves by wrapping them in a range of supports. A child with parents navigating a cancer diagnosis may struggle emotionally. Behavioral issues can be a result of emotional trauma in the home, environmental events, socialization challenges, or an inability to cope with a variety of situations in and out of home. We encourage positive behavioral, responses to resolve internal or external conflict with new skills to self-regulate and promote social and emotional growth
We are Christians, we are cancer survivors, we are chaplains and we are educators. We love dedicating our time to serve our community. Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.